Our Services

For projects in complex environments, horizontal, or lateral, drilling provides a flexible option for underground utility installation.

When compared to conventional excavation and trenching, horizontal drilling – also known as underground directional boring– is a less invasive way to install utility infrastructure underneath motorways, rail lines, bodies of water, or sensitive jobsites. With a directional drilling rig that installs utilities along a narrow path underground, directional drilling offers a minimal-impact underground utility service method. Contractors, especially when working in dense urban or environmentally or historically sensitive areas, rely on horizontal drilling to minimize surface impact and keep jobsite disruptions to a minimum.

What Horizontal Drilling is Used For

Horizontal directional drilling is a common service for roadwork sites or other construction projects that cover a large environmental area. Many urban construction projects also choose horizontal drilling for their underground utility installation as lateral drilling equipment is equipped to maneuver in areas with more confinement and have minimal impact on the landscape.

Horizontal drilling is an ideal solution when low-disturbance installation of specific infrastructure components is critical to the project, including:

  • Cables and conduits
  • Gas lines
  • Water lines
  • Fiber optic cables
  • Wastewater piping

Thousands of customers have trusted us to solve their underground utility construction pipe placement needs. You can too!

Contact our underground utility construction experts for your project today.

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Drockton Underground LLC was founded in 2020 and its founders have been focused in the HDD industry since 2017. Aaron Drockton began in the industry installing fiber optic lines with NADC Corp. He then worked his way into the HDD industry along with his partner and grew into a full service Directional Drilling Contractor that is now Drockton Underground LLC.

Coming Soon…

We are combining services with our most recent Partners! Our new office located in Springfield, Illinois will be opening January, 13th, 2025. 

We soon will be adding Equipment Rentals to our Services! Check back for updates.